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Insights & Inspirations

Explore insights gained through the years of channeling, meditations, and life experiences; shared from my unique perspective to inspire and uplift.

Insight #1

This understanding is truly profound!


Life continues after transition - there is no such thing as death! After transition we enter a nearby dimension with a higher frequency and no sense of time, where our spirit returns to its natural, non-physical form. In this state, we are multi-dimensional and unrestricted by space or time with the ability to hear thoughts and prayers without a medium.


When channeling I use an energy language that connects all. Understanding this language starts with awareness and intuition.

Insight #2 received during meditation

“Love is to the soul like a fingerprint is to the body, an identifier. The more you love the better”

This meditation is comparing the two dimensions:

1. Our dimension of the slower vibration, which is of a physical nature. We are all souls and identify one from the other in a material physical way by using our fingerprints.


2. In the world of spirit everything is emotion and thought. The highest level of emotion is love. Each soul is identified by their ability to love.

Being Light Driven: Finding Inner Guidance - Page 82

Spirit was advising how powerful our individual energy is and encouraged all to balance our energy and recognize that we each have the ability to use our internal power of love and light. This not only helps us individually but also contributes to a positive global shift.

Insight #5




Every morning is a fresh start, and the only constant is change. While most of us are taught to care for our physical body, we often neglect our energy body. We need to care for both to achieve overall wellbeing and balance.  Each morning take a breath, clear your mind, and check in with yourself. How do you feel? What tools do you need today to feel balanced? It might be meditation, affirmations, a walk in nature, or something else. Routines may need adjustment as your energy changes daily. I call this daily balance realignment '”Journey Surfing.”


For more tips on maintaining balance, check out my book, "Spiritual Guidance: Trusting the Voice Within."

Insight #3 received from experience

"Journey Surfing"

Insight #4 Glimpse of Spirit World

Dear friend during her transition:

My dear was near her end on hospice, I had been sending her reiki and prayer. I suddenly felt her energy stronger and I knew she either transitioned or almost there. I saw her in a forest that looked so vibrant, in energy and color.The trees had auras. She said it was amazing! I remember sharing nature in this forest with her for what seemed to be minutes but I think it was seconds. She felt wonderful in this environment. She gave me a message to relay to her family. I felt her gratitude for all who loved her, especially her close group that I was privileged to be one of. She repeated it is amazing, and I am well 💜 thank you for the prayers blessings.


Mom after she passed:

She told me she was feeling great! traveling with ease and speed of light. She explained that all her senses—taste, touch, smell—were enhanced with beauty. Everything was more vibrant in color, fragrant, calm, and beautiful. 💜

Insight #6 Co-Create from Perspective of Spirit

In meditation, let’s improve the co-creation process by tweaking our



Suggested process from Spirit’s perspective:

  • Believe - believe what you want is possible

  • Receive - feel it already done with joyful action steps

  • Achieve - manifestation happens

             Everything is Possible


old process from physical perspective:

  • Achieve - work real hard

  • Receive - you will receive if you work hard

  • Believe - once you received it you start to believe

         Miracle - is a manifestation you did not think possible

Insight #7 Improve Energy Connection

Improve energy flow with Authenticity, Intuition and Community


  • Authenticity - be authentic & connect easier with your divine internal guidance


  • Intuition- intuition is a platform for connection and should be encouraged


  • Community- A like-minded community fosters awareness and creates momentum

Rise up, be free; let me see how happy you can be 💜


  • Rise up by elevating your vibration. Sometimes, small intentional actions can significantly improve your vibration. The book 'Spiritual Guidance: Trusting the Voice Within' provides tips for energy maintenance and balance.


  • Decide to be happy - Happiness can be a choice

Insight #8 Spirit Wants You To Be Happy

Insight #9 Spirit’s Suggestion for Authenticity

Live Life with Love, Understanding & Respect


  • Love - is the easy part and in many cases unconditional.


  • Understanding - To understand differences between beliefs, traditions, cultures, events, lifestyles, and other aspects of life.


  • Respect - means once we understand that there are differences we must respect one another.


The ultimate goal would be Heaven and Earth on the same level of harmony

Insight #10 Power of Intenntion

Intention is 99% of any energy work

What is intention?
A focused thought with feeling....stay present and set an intention as often as you can throughout each day.

Today is a wonderful day; I will spread kindness that will ripple out to others.

Each of us has Spirit Guides to support our life and soul journey. They hear our thoughts and prayers, however will not interfere with free will, so you need to ask... Remember to ask for their help and stay open to their guidance in any form. No request is too big or small.


This narrative of children’s book is a nice example: The Little Soul and the Earth by Neale Donald Walsch

Insight #11 Earth is our school and our guides are our teachers


Insight #12 Whispers of Wisdom received during meditation

  • Don’t doubt yourself, just be yourself 💜

  • Observe energy, do not absorb others energy

  • Even psychics don’t need to know everything about their life

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